Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Lately I've been realizing that I don't want to eat things that make me feel full, like peanut butter or oils or whatever. I want to eat whatever lets me eat a lot.

Lunch today was fat-free cottage cheese, a drizzle of raspberry vinaigrette, and a green bell pepper, cut into strips for dipping. All told, it was under 200 calories, but it took me like ten minutes to eat and now I practically have a food baby. It was awesome. My sister told me that every time she makes macaroni and cheese, she adds a frozen bag of broccoli—it's delightful with the cheese and it means that one regular helping gets to be twice as big as it would be if it was just pasta and sauce.

I just don't think cookies and peanut butter are very good bargains. I mean, I love them, with my whole heart, but seeing as how the whole moderation thing doesn't work for me (I always find myself eating like ten cookies, or six tablespoons of peanut butter, or a whole bag of Child's Play), I think I just need to buy lots of calorie-light foods. Maybe diet pop, fat free yogurt and cottage cheese, vegetables, fruit, and fat free Cool Whip should become the staples of my diet.

Soon I will blog about New Orleans and wedding plans.

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