Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Gingerbread House

We just barely found a gingerbread house kit that one of us had gotten for Christmas...

We didn't really feel like leaving a gingerbread house on display for weeks in the middle of summer but we also didn't want to lose out on the fun of making it by eating everything straight out of the box, so we decided to make it as fast as we could and then immediately devour it. Isn't it beautiful? I'm sure you can tell that in the front yard, there's a scared ghost and a very well-decorated Christmas tree. Also, there were supposed to be gumdrops but I just ate them all. Also, the manufacturers were lazy about the nutrition facts, and instead of listing it for the different elements separately, they just listed the nutrition for 1/36 of the whole box. Silly.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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