Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Best Picture I Ever Took?

So, I'm not much of a pro photographer--I don't use external flashes on stands, I use a point-and-shoot because I don't know how to fiddle with aperture and focus and stuff, and I'm always more concerned with getting people to look happy than with getting the lighting just right. But I do like to take pictures of interesting things, and I like trying to make pictures look good. Today I was flipping through my pictures on my computer, looking for a picture of Michael and I for the ward directory, and I found this gem:

I took an animal husbandry class my last semester at BYU, and we went to see an alpaca farm one day. I just love everything about this photo--I love the different colors of the alpacas, I love that they're all doing their own thing (except for the one guy who's looking straight at me), I love the angular outline of the shed in the back, I love that you can look at the background and really see that we were out in the middle of nowhere in Utah. I especially love that furry bro on the left with his little mouf full of hay. So funny! I just think that the composition and subjects in this photo turned out particularly well, and I'm pretty fond of it.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Books Read This Summer

  1. My Father's Tears by John Updike
  2. Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett
  3. Perfect Light Desserts by Nick Malgieri
  4. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  5. Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett
  6. Mirror Mirror by Gregory Maguire (weeird)
  7. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
  8. The Chosen by Chaim Potok
  9. The Wild Life of Our Bodies by Rob Dunn
  10. Snuff by Terry Pratchett
  11. Every Living Creature by James Herriott
I'm reasonably pleased by that list, especially considering that my summer was only nine weeks long and most of it wasn't a true break from school and work anyway (but it was a very excellent ~60% break).